Sport begins üith gymnastics

The National Gymnastics Arena

The National Gymnastics Arena will be a circa 9,000 seater Arena close to the Koroglu Metro station on the Heydar Aliyev Highway, which is the main route in and out of the city from the Airport. The NGA is primarily designed to host Rhythmic and Artistic Gymnastics at competition level.


The AIRDOME is located to the south of MGA and was constructed as an additional training hall, which is 6000m2 in area and includes Artistic Gymnastics, Acrobatic Gymnastic, Tumbling and Trampoline disciplines. It has all the necessary facilities for an athlete to train, such as changing rooms, showers, breakout rooms for etc. AIRDOME stays elevated due to a minimal air pressure inside the dome

Dear Friends!
Dear sports and gymnastics fans!

At present, we are paying more attention to sport and healthy lifestyle day by day. Sport, as a whole, starts with gymnastics, as it constitutes basics of any professional sport and fitness, which has become an integral part of our contemporary life.

Since its opening in April 2014, while watching local and major international competitions held at Milli Gimnastika Arenası (National Gymnastics Arena) from spectators’ seats, we are sure, you had lots of questions about training conditions created for athletes being a part of national teams in gymnastics disciplines, their work schedules, facilities inside the arena, and, of course, questions concerning the apparatus and sports equipment used by gymnasts during their performances.

Now, you have an opportunity to learn about all this and much more by joining the tour of Milli Gimnastika Arenası, which is a unique sports facility in the world, specialized in all 7 gymnastics disciplines included into the program of the International Federation of Gymnastics.

The tour takes place every Saturday. By choosing a convenient time for you - 11:00, 12:00 and 13:00 – and, visiting the arena, you will feel yourself like a real athlete for a day, or, maybe, will lay the foundation of a new sportsman career in the person of your child.

The price for a ticket is 8 AZN. Children under 12 and students can obtain tickets for 3 and for 5 AZN accordingly.

For visitors up to 6 years, the tour is free of charge. For more detailed information, please, visit the arena’s website (www.mga.az) or contact us by phone (+99412 566 96 99).

Welcome to the world of gymnastics - the world of beauty, gracefulness, strength and agility.