Sport begins üith gymnastics



The dates of traditional World Cup series are announced


The dates of the traditional FIG World Cups in Trampoline and Artistic Gymnastics hosted by Azerbaijan Gymnastics Federation (AGF) have been determined for next year.

There was made a decision on the venues and dates of the 2021 World / Challenge Cups at the video conference held by the Executive Committee of the International Gymnastics Federation (FIG) a few days ago.

Thus, next year Milli Gimnastika Arenası (National Gymnastics Arena) will host Trampoline Gymnastics and Tumbling World Cup on February 13 & 14 and Artistic Gymnastics World Cup on March 4-7 accordingly.

It should me mentioned that Rhythmic Gymnastics World Cup, previously scheduled for April 24-26, 2020, but postponed due to a pandemic, will be held on May 7-9 next year.