Sport begins üith gymnastics




29.11.2019 The World Championships` medalist Arzu Jalilova is elected as an official ambassador of “SmartScoring” Arzu Jalilova, a member of the Azerbaijani Rhythmic Gymnastics National Team, a two-time prize-winner of Junior World Championships, is elected an official ambassador of the national “SmartScoring” brand. 25.11.2019 The Artistic Gymnastics World Cup comes to an end in Germany There was held “Ternier Der Meister” World Cup in the City of Cottbus, Germany, on November 21-24. 22.11.2019 Results of the FIG Aerobic Gymnastics Academy Level 2 for coaches are known The results of the FIG (International Gymnastics Federation) Academy Level 2 for coaches organized at Milli Gimnastika Arenasi (National Gymnastics Arena) on November 5-12, have been announced. 18.11.2019 The Azerbaijani representatives attend the General Assembly of the “European Gymnastics” On November 15 & 16, there was hosted biennial General Assembly of the European Union of Gymnastics in the City of Sofia, Bulgaria. 16.11.2019 Joint competitions in 4 gymnastics disciplines come to an end in Sumgayit There was completed the national events season with the competitions in Men`s and Women`s Artistic Gymnastics, Acrobatic and Aerobic Gymnastics held in Sumgayit. 15.11.2019 Jumpers from 27 countries & artistic gymnasts from 48 countries are preparing for Baku competitions The calendar of Azerbaijan Gymnastics Federation will be saturated with international events in 2020 as well. 11.11.2019 The national competitions’ season for jumpers on Trampoline and Tumbling comes to an end There were held the national events in Tumbling and Trampoline Gymnastics at 2 different venues in Baku on November 8 & 9. 07.11.2019 AGF hosts another FIG Academy for Aerobic Gymnastics coaches There has been commenced the International Gymnastics Federation`s (FIG) Academy Level 2 for Aerobic Gymnastics coaches at Milli Gimnastika Arenasi (National Gymnastics Arena). 05.11.2019 “Volunteering program - 2020" Azerbaijan Gymnastics Federation announces recruitment of volunteers on the “Volunteering program – 2020” for the organization of the international events to be held in Baku in 2020. 04.11.2019 The Azerbaijani Rhythmic gymnasts come back with the Gold medals from Belgium There was held the traditional “Happy Cup” international tournament in Rhythmic gymnastics in the City of Ghent, Belgium, on October 31 – November 3. 03.11.2019 “Silver” from Murad & Daniel this time Today, there have been completed the All-Around competitions (combined exercises) within the framework of the Acrobatic Gymnastics European Championships in Israel. 03.11.2019 Finally, the Gold medal! Today, the 29th Acrobatic Gymnastics European Championships has come to an end in the City of Holon, Israel.